Graduates from the Master of Arts Program in the Humanities (MAPH) have professional careers in many different fields. Some of the most common areas and institutions where MAPH alumni work are listed here.
Bassich & Associates Inc., Boston Consulting Group, Deloitte, Galore Consulting, Huron Consulting Group, RVB Consulting
Editing and Publishing
Berkeley Electronic Press, Booklist Publications, Cambridge University Press, The University of Chicago Press, Georgetown University Press, HarperCollins, Heinemann Publishing, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, The History Press, John Wiley & Sons, Johns Hopkins University Press, McGraw Hill, The University of New Mexico Press, Nieman Inc., NY Book Editors, Oxford University Press, Paradigm Publishers, Pearson North America, Penguin Random House, Perseus Books Group, Simon and Schuster, Slant Books, Stanford University Press
American Library Association, University of the Arts Music Library, Forest Park Public Library, Huntington Library, University of Illinois Library, Indiana University Lilly Library, Madison Public Library, Newberry Library, San Diego Public Library, Skokie Public Library
Art Institute of Chicago, Artpace San Antonio, Blue Star Contemporary Art Museum, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago History Museum, Door County Historical Museum, Field Museum, Grand Rapids Art Museum, Hammer Museum, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, J. Paul Getty Museum, Lizadro Museum of Lapidary Art, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, University of Michigan Museum of Art, Museum for German and Austrian Art, Museum of Broadcasting and Communications, Museum of Contemporary Art, Museum of Modern Art, Museum of Work and Culture, National Building Museum, National Museum of American History, Neue Galerie New York, Norman Rockwell Museum, Peabody Essex Museum, Philadelphia History Museum, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Smart Museum, Walker Museum
Public Humanities
Illinois Humanities, National Endowment for the Humanities, New York Council for the Humanities
Secondary Teaching
Attea Middle School, The Bishop's School, Bentley High School, Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day School, Bronx Leadership Academy II, Cheongna Dalton School, Chicago High School for the Arts, University of Chicago Lab School, Corsliss High School, De La Salle Institute, Elgin Academy, Elmhurst High School, Estancia Valley Classical Academy, Francis Parker School, French-American International School, The Hill School, Island Academy, Jefferson Middle School, John Burroughs School, Little Green Tree House, Lycée Français de Chicago, Marva Collins Preparatory, Marymount High School, Oak Park and River Forest High School, Pacific Ridge School, Redwood Middle School, Sacred Heart Schools, Saint Paul Public Schools, Skokie School District, St. Ann’s School, St. Mary's School, Strake Jesuit High School, Stuart Hall High School, Tacoma Public Schools, Trinity School at River Ridge, Union Grove High School, Walter Payton College Prep, Webb School, Whitney Young Magnet School, Winchester High School, Wissahickon Charter School
Secondary and Higher Education Administration
Brown University, Carnegie Mellon University, Carthage College, Centre College, University of Chicago, Columbia University, Duke University, Duquesne University, Emory University, Fordham University, Georgia State University, Harvard University, University of Houston, Indiana University, Loyola University, MacCormac College, University of Michigan, University of Minnesota, University of Notre Dame, Northwestern University, The Ohio State University, Portland State University, Roger Williams University, Rush University Medical Center, Saint Xavier University, San Francisco University High School, University of Southern California, Stanford University, Trinity College, Tufts University, University of Utah, Wagner College, Washington University in St. Louis, Yale University
University Teaching
University of Akron, Boston College, Boston University, Brown University, University of California Irvine, University of California Berkeley, University of California Los Angeles, California State University Chico, Carroll School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, University of Chicago, Chicago State University, City Colleges of Chicago, City University of New York, Cornell University, Harold Washington College, Harrington College of Design, Hillsdale College, Housatonic Community College, Illinois Institute of Technology, Lake Forest College, University of Maryland College Park, Metropolitan Community College, Oakland University, Richland Community College, St. Thomas University, Truman College, University of Wisconsin Marshfield