Colin Lavery

Portrait of Colin Lavery outside on UChicago campus
Pronouns: he/him/his
Office Hours: Classics 117B, Thursdays 2-3PM


I’m a mentor at MAPH after completing the program last year, with a thesis that explores the parallels between Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower and works in the Black Anarchist tradition. Before MAPH, I received bachelors degrees in journalism and English literature at Indiana University, Bloomington, then a J.D. from Chicago Kent College of Law. In between my various and scattered intellectual pursuits, I’ve worked as a bookseller, sports blogger, and software tester, among other odd jobs. Having been born and raised in Oak Park, I’ve spent most of my life in the Chicago area and would love to serve as somebody’s very opinionated local guide on just about anything Chicago-related. I’m also an avid Indiana Hoosiers fan and would be happy to discuss the misanthropy of Big Ten athletics with anyone so inclined.